
Winter RosettaCon February 26-28, 2025



About Rosetta Commons

The Rosetta Commons is a group of 100+ PIs that develop and apply computational macromolecular modeling methods. Our ethos is Science, Software, Community. RosettaCon is our longest-running annual conference, where hundreds of PIs, trainees, and industry staff gather to build community and discuss science and software.

Code from the Rosetta Commons is renowned for its function. It is licensed by 200+ companies and has been downloaded by academics over 100k times. Newer Deep Learning methods have already been accessed through GitHub by thousands of individuals.

RosettaCon is an annual conference taking place in Washington’s Cascade Mountains, where Rosetta Commons member laboratories and guests share their latest experimental and computational research breakthroughs in macromolecular engineering and structure prediction. The Commons grew out of David Baker’s laboratory at the University of Washington into a consortium of international academic and government laboratories. A complete research ecosystem now exists, with industry labs also contributing back to the community.

Interested in sponsoring this conference? Contact us here or send an email to

Sponsorship funds will further our community goals to increase diversity and representation at RosettaCon 2024 in the following ways:

    • Reducing registration costs for academic participants and trainees.
    • Funding travel scholarships for trainees (undergraduate and graduate students or postdoctoral fellows).
    • Providing dependent care awards to assist in childcare and eldercare costs.
    • Offering student diversity scholarships to increase participation of underrepresented minorities.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Many sponsorship opportunities are available. Select one of our prepared packages or work with us to build your own.


Diamond - $12,000

  • Two free registrations for the conferences
  • Four free virtual registrations for the conferences
  • Time for a demonstration or presentation during poster session
  • Table at Career Fair
  • Logo placement during welcome presentation
  • Special mention at the welcome
  • Extra large size logo placement on merchandise/swag (T-shirts this year)
  • Logo placement on important standees at the event
  • Half Banner size logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website 
  • Exclusive Social Media recognition on each platform (One post on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


Platinum - $8,000

  • One free registration for the conferences
  • Three free virtual registrations for the conferences
  • Table at Career Fair
  • Logo placement during welcome presentation
  • Special mention at the welcome
  • Large size logo placement on merchandise/swag (T-shirts this year)
  • Logo placement on important standees at the event
  • Logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website
  • Exclusive Social Media recognition on each platform (One post on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


Gold - $5,000

  • Three free virtual registrations for the conferences
  • Special mention at the welcome
  • Medium size logo placement on merchandise/swag (T-shirts this year)
  • Logo placement on important standees at the event
  • Logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website
  • Exclusive Social Media recognition on each platform (One post on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


Silver - $2,500

  • One free virtual registration for the conference
  • Small size logo placement on merchandise/swag (T-shirts this year)
  • Logo placement on important standees at the event
  • Logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website
  • Social Media recognition on each platform (In carousel post with others, on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


Bronze - $1,000

  • One free virtual registration for the conference
  • Logo placement on important standees at the event
  • Logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website
  • Social Media recognition on each platform (In carousel post with others, on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


General Donation - $500

  • Logo placement on Summer RosettaCon 2024 Website
  • Social Media recognition on each platform (In carousel post with others, on LinkedIn, X (earlier “Twitter”), and Facebook)
  • Logo placement on attendee booklet (PDF)


Exhibitor table - $1000


Approximate Conference Demographics

  • Over 300 participants from the global RosettaCommons community are expected in person.
    • 2024 Winter RosettaCon - 46% student trainee; 12% postdoc; 16% Academic PI; 20% Industry; 6% Staff and other
    • 2023 Summer RosettaCon - 43% student trainee; 18% postdoc; 19% Academic PI; 16% Industry; 4% Other
  • Leading scientists and thought leaders from academic and commercial entities
  • The Rosetta Commons adheres to a Code of Conduct that aims to provide a supportive, collegial, and harassment-free conference experience for everyone.

Please fill out the form to Inquire about being a Sponsor

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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If you need help with registration please Contact Us.

For more information about Rosetta Commons please go to the Rosetta Commons Website